I recently discovered a series of geologic maps of my county created by Russell C. Evarts. I have long suspected that the lowlands of Clark County were at one time or another covered by the Columbia River, and these maps prove it. Indeed, according to the current theory, several enormous floods were released from an equally enormous lake east of Idaho. The waters ripped through Eastern Washington, crushing bedrock into gravel and creating the Scablands. The mix of water and rocks then swept down the Columbia until it reached a narrow section at Kalama, Wa. The mile-wide gap was too small to let the water pass, so it pooled up behind the Coast Range in the Willamette Valley. As the water slowly spread across the area, it deposited gravel beds 300 feet deep in some areas. Because this is an obviously captivating topic, I have changed my Gileskirk research paper to discuss the geologic origins of Clark county.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Time for a late-night rant. I think it is time for the, "Traditional Marriage," movement to drop the whole, "Tradition" argument. Tradition is not a solid foundation for building a society. The Aztecs had a great "tradition" of human sacrifice. If Hitler's Germany had been allowed to continue, it would have a genocide tradition. In Soviet Russia, that tradition came into existence. In addition to this, traditions change. In 50 years, "non-traditional" families could easily be traditional families. The only unchanging "tradition" is the Law of God. A politician espousing his support for "Traditional Marriage" is not saying anything more than a political buzzword. If we intend our arguments to be more than smoke and mirrors, a position our opponents can accept or reject (as opposed to arguments that could easily include the opponents' position) we must base our arguments on the opinion of the Creator of the Universe.